Jan 23, 2025  
2010-2011 Academic Catalog 
2010-2011 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Undergraduate General Policies and Procedures

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The student conduct code has been established by the University to protect its educational purpose, to provide for the orderly conduct of activities, to protect the victims of crime and to safeguard the interests of the University community.

Student Conduct Code

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Students are expected to conduct themselves, whether on or off campus, in a way that will reflect favorably on them and the University. The University reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant, to discontinue the registration of any student or to withhold the degree of any student if, in the opinion of the faculty or University authorities, their personal conduct, disrespect for regulations or attitude toward policies is detrimental to the general welfare of the University community, or their further association is not conducive to the best interests of the student or the University.

The student conduct code has been established by the University to protect its educational purpose, to provide for the orderly conduct of activities, to protect the victims of crime and to safeguard the interests of the University community.

Members of the University community share the same responsibilities of citizenship as other members of the broader community. Students, faculty and staff members are all subject to the same laws and ordinances. The University does not stand between national, state or local law enforcement agencies and persons who violate the law. Persons who violate the law are subject to disciplinary action regardless of the action or inaction of civil authorities.

Community Life Standards Policy

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The Friends University objective is to help students view all aspects of their academic program and way of life from the expectations of Christian faith and concern. Honesty, sincerity, integrity, faith and love are encouraged as necessary qualities of Christian character.

Spiritual life at Friends is vital to student life. Students from all religious backgrounds are welcome; University and community-centered organizations offer avenues of expression of faith and concern. The Wichita metropolitan area affords students of every religious denomination an opportunity to worship and to become active in the church of their choice during their college years.

Each student should understand that his or her enrollment at Friends University assumes a desire for participation in and positive contributions to the life of the community.

If any member of the Friends University community shows continued violation of the spirit of the University and is found to be consistently in opposition to the personal development or well-being of other members of the body, the University reserves the right to request his or her withdrawal.


Unacceptable behavior in Friends University facilities or at any University sponsored activities include:

  • the possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances;
  • use of tobacco in any form (smoking is allowed in designated areas);
  • the use of indecent literature;
  • the use of profane or vulgar language; and/or
  • the possession of firearms.

The students at Friends University come from many states and several foreign countries.  The broad origins of our student body create a diversity within the University environment that requires significant individual commitment to growth of self and others in the community.

Academic Honor Code Policy

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Friends University, an educational community that has existed more than 100 years, is committed to the principles of honesty, fairness and respect for others. The University recognizes the need to foster a trusting environment to enable the pursuit of knowledge. That the end, students, faculty, staff and administrators must uphold high academic and ethical standards in the classroom.

Academic Honor Code Violations

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  1. Cheating: This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized use of books, library materials, notes, study aids or information on an examination or quiz; b) altering a graded work after it has been returned, then submitting the work for re-grading; c) using another person’s work and submitting that work as your own; d) submitting identical or similar papers for credit in more than one course without prior permission from the course instructor.
  2. Plagiarism: Defined as the use of another’s written work without proper citation, including borrowing of an idea or phrase or para-phrasing of material without proper citation; b) use of another student’s work in any form; c) the purchase and/or use of a paper or assignment written by someone other than the student.
  3. Fabrication: Falsifying, inventing, forging or altering any information, data, citation or academic record; b) presenting data that were not gathered in accordance with standard guidelines defining the appropriate methods for collecting or generating data and failing to include an accurate account of the method by which the data were gathered or collected.
  4. Obtaining an Unfair Advantage: Obtaining or giving assistance to another person during an examination/quiz unless collaboration is permitted; b) obtaining, attempting to obtain or use of obtained copies of non-circulated examinations or questions; stealing, destroying, defacing or concealing library materials with the purpose of depriving others of their use; c) intentionally interfering with another student’s academic work; d) unauthorized use of any electronic devices or otherwise undertaking activity with the purpose of creating or obtaining an unfair academic advantage over other students’ academic work.
  5. Aiding and Abetting Academic Dishonesty: Providing material, information, or other assistance to another person with knowledge that such aid could be used in any of the violations stated above, or b) providing false information to a University official conducting an inquiry regarding academic integrity.
  6. Falsification of Records and Official Documents: Altering documents affecting academic records; b) forging signatures of authorization or falsifying information on an official academic document including but not limited to a grade report, letter of permission, petition, drop/add form, ID card, or any other official University document.
  7. Unauthorized Access: Gaining unauthorized access to University computerized academic or administrative records or systems; b) viewing or altering computer records; c) modifying computer programs or systems; d) releasing or dispensing information gained via unauthorized access; e) or interfering with the use or availability of computer systems or information.

Academic Integrity Sanctions

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Sanctions for Minor Offenses: The professor suspects and verifies violation of the honor code and notifies the Division Chair/Program Director who sends the information to the Records office to check for prior offenses. The professor meets with the student to discuss the problem. If the student has no priors, he or she can admit and accept the sanction (generally a zero for the assignment). If the student disagrees, a meeting with the Division Chair/Program Director is scheduled. If the student agrees to the sanction at this meeting, notification is sent to the advisor and appropriate, the case is closed and filed in the Records office. If there is no agreement, the case is sent to the Academic Integrity Board for final decision.

Sanctions for Major Offenses: Major offenses and all second (or 2+) time offenses are heard by the Academic Integrity Board. If student is deemed not guilty, the case is closed and the information filed in the Records office. If the student is found responsible, sanctions could include a failing grade for the course, a notation on the transcript, suspension or expulsion from the University or any combination of these sanctions.

Academic Grievance Procedure

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If a student determines that a complaint warrants action, the student should be advised of the following University procedure:

  1. Student is asked to confer with the instructor involved. If such a conference does not resolve the issue,
  2. Student is asked to confer with instructor’s division head. If such a conference does not resolve the issue;
  3. Student is asked to confer with the dean of the instructor’s college. The Dean will take action that resolves the matter.
  4. Should a student wish to appeal the Dean’s decision, an appeal must be made in writing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, who, in consultation with the President, will respond for the University.

University Exceptions

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Academic Policy Definition:  University Academic Policy is defined as the academic rules, regulations, policies and procedures as stated in the Academic Catalog or any other official written University documentation including, but not limited to, University handbooks and policy manuals.  Exceptions to University Academic Policy require the approval of the College in which the student is enrolled.

Academic Exceptions Definition:   The following categories include, but are not limited to, the Academic Policies for which exceptions may be requested from the College in which the student is enrolled:  Grade changes, grade expungement, course substitution, course waiver, transfer course/credit equivalency, degree requirement waiver/adjustment, honor roll determination, graduation honors determination, course withdrawal, credit by exam evaluation, experiential learning credit, residency requirements, and graduation requirements. 

Academic Decisions Definition:  Academic decisions are decisions made by a member of the faculty or staff of the Academic Affairs division of Friends University.  Exceptions to those decisions are made in the College in which the student is enrolled.  Non-Academic decisions are decisions made by a member of the administration or staff in other divisions of the University. 

Non-Academic Decisions Definition:  Requests for exceptions to non-academic policies made by staff or administrators outside of Academic Affairs will be handled by the Directors of the specific University department from which the original decision was made. The exercise of sound judgment and consultation with Academic Affairs faculty or staff is appropriate if departmental exception decisions may have significant impact on a student’s academic life.

Policy Statement:  Persons seeking Academic and Non-Academic Exceptions to stated University policies as defined above must contact the Dean of the College in which they are enrolled or the Director of the department in which the issue originated.  Requests for exceptions must be submitted within 1 year following the action for which the exception is being sought.  The Dean (or designee of the Dean) or Department Director will make a determination to grant or deny the exception request.  The requestor has the right to appeal decision to the Vice President of the appropriate University area in cases where conflicts of interest or a failure to provide due process may be present. Appeals must be requested within 30 days of the initial exception decision. A flow chart of the exceptions decision process is available upon request.


Student Initiated Withdrawal

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To withdraw completely from the University, a student must notify the Registrar’s Office in person, in writing, by e-mail or by fax that they are withdrawing. The student or University staff will complete a withdrawal form and the Student Account Services, Financial Aid, Admissions (if applicable) and Vice President of Student Affairs offices will be notified of the withdrawal. Discontinued class attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal. The official withdrawal date will be the date this procedure is initiated. If a student is no longer attending any class, the University may withdraw the student’s enrollment (see Administrative Withdrawal).

Administrative Withdrawal

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Friends University may elect to initiate an administrative withdrawal in order to withdraw a student from all classes for any of the following reasons:

  1. The student has failed to provide the documentation required by the University in order for the student to achieve full admission status.
  2. The student has failed to meet the University’s basic standards for academic performance and/or progress.
  3. The student is no longer attending any classes.
  4. The student has failed to provide the documentation requested by the University in order for the University to complete the student’s financial aid file in a timely manner.
  5. The student has failed to make payment of tuition and/or fees to the University in the manner, amount and at the time agreed upon between the student and the University’s Student Account Services Office.
  6. The student has failed to meet the University’s code of conduct or community life standards.

Should Friends University elect to initiate an administrative withdrawal, written notification will be sent to the student. The student will have five business days to appeal any administrative withdrawal. The completion of an administrative withdrawal does not relieve the student from his or her financial obligations to the University. All charges, which are unpaid by the student at the time of administrative withdrawal, will become immediately due and payable. Refunds will be issued and credits applied in accordance with the University’s published refund policy.

Formal Student Complaint Policy

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The University will maintain records of formal written student complaints. The original signed correspondence must be submitted to one of the following offices: Vice President of Academic Affairs or the President.

Disciplinary Procedure

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The Vice President of Student Affairs will serve as the coordinator for all disciplinary procedures. The Vice President may choose other University staff or the Campus Council Judicial Board to serve as his/her designee to carry out these procedures. This will generally happen at non-Wichita locations or when residence life violations occur.

Complaint Procedure: Any member of the University community (students, faculty or staff) may bring a complaint to the Vice President of Student Affairs. Provided that the Vice President of Student Affairs finds the complaint to be a violation subject to these procedures, the student(s) charged will be sent a notice or called to establish a time for a student conference with the Vice President.

Prohibited Conduct: In addition to the student conduct code, community life standards, and other rules and regulations set forth by Friends University, the following policies have been established concerning student conduct:

  • Being Present During a Violation: Anyone found to be present during a violation may be charged with the violation.
  • Disruptive or Inappropriate Behavior: Behavior that interferes with the normal operations or the educational objectives of the University is prohibited.
  • Falsification of Information: No student shall counterfeit, forge, falsify or attempt to alter any record, form or document used by the University. No student shall provide false or misleading information to a University official.
  • Gambling: Any form of gambling, including Internet gambling, that is in violation of state law is prohibited by students and prohibited on University property.
  • Harassment: Behavior that discriminates against an individual based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital, age, disability or veteran status will not be permitted. In addition, making sexual advances or remarks and/or physical or expressive behavior of a sexual nature will not be tolerated. (Employees of Friends University must also abide by equal opportunity and harassment policies.) Students should refer all incidents of harassment to the Vice President of Student Affairs. If the accused person is a student, the complaint will be processed by the Vice President of Student Affairs using disciplinary procedures. If the accused person is an employee, the complaint will be processed by the Director of Human Resources using employee guidelines.

Hearing Procedures: The Vice President of Student Affairs or designee will serve as the hearing officer, and hearings will be open only to those persons who are part of the proceedings. Students involved in a hearing must keep all information from the hearing confidential. The Hearing Officer shall be responsible for rendering a decision of responsible or not responsible for alleged violations. The accused student shall receive written notification of the decision and any sanctions imposed. The decision may also be shared with the complaintant. In cases where a serious violation has occurred and/or disciplinary suspension may occur, the Director of Residence Life and Director of Security may also attend. They, along with the Vice President of Student Affairs, will act as a hearing panel and will decide responsibility and any sanctions imposed.

Sanctions: The purpose of a sanction is primarily to educate an individual by increasing his/her awareness of the consequences of conduct violations and the importance of responsibility to the University community for one’s actions. In dealing with a student, the University staff may take into account the student’s disciplinary history during the entire time the individual has been a student at the University. The following sanctions, or combination thereof, may be imposed by the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee.

  • Admonition: This sanction constitutes a written notice to the student that their conduct is in violation of University policies and such violations or acts of misconduct are not condoned by the University.
  • Censure: This sanction is given for those situations in which the infraction has caused serious questions regarding the individual’s ability to cope with the standards of the community.
  • Probation: This sanction is one that places the student in serious jeopardy with the University. Further conduct violations may result in suspension or expulsion.
  • Temporary Suspension: Pending a formal hearing, the Vice President of Student Affairs may immediately act to remove a student who may be acting contrary to the safety or well being of oneself, others or to the educational mission of the University.
  • Suspension: This sanction is one of involuntary separation of the student from the University for a set period of time. Students shall not receive grades and refunds of money, which would be appropriate if they were voluntarily withdrawing from the institution. Permission to apply for readmission may be granted with or without stipulations.
  • Expulsion: This sanction is one of permanent separation of the student from the University. Expelled students will not be granted the privilege of re-admittance.
  • Additional Stipulations: It is the prerogative of the Hearing Officer to add stipulations to any sanction. Examples include, but are not limited to: counseling, revocation and/or limitation of privileges, restitution, community service, educational projects or programs, or letters of apology.

Appeal Procedures: An accused student has the right to appeal based on the severity of the sanction or additional evidence obtained since the hearing. Appeals must be made in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs within five days of receiving official notice of sanction. The President will be the final authority on all appeals.

Internet and Network Usage Policy

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Background and Purpose: This document constitutes a University-wide policy for the appropriate use of all Friends University computing and network resources. It is intended to provide effective protection of individual users, equitable access and proper management of those resources. These guidelines should be interpreted broadly and are intended to supplement, not replace, all existing laws, regulations, agreements and contracts, which currently apply to those resources.


Access to the Friends University networks and computer systems is a privilege and not a right. Access is granted subject to University policies and local, state and federal laws. The contents of all storage media owned or stored on University computing facilities are the property of the University. Appropriate use should always be legal and ethical, reflect academic honesty, conform to community life standards and the mission of the institution as stated in the University Catalog, and show restraint in the consumption of shared resources. Users should demonstrate respect for intellectual property rights; ownership of data; system security mechanisms; and individuals’ rights to privacy, freedom of speech, and freedom from intimidation, harassment, and annoyance.

The University is not responsible for illegal, unacceptable or unethical use of the information technology environment, including computer and computer networks or electronic communication system.

Authorized Use: Authorized use of Friends University-owned computing and network resources is that which is consistent with the education, research and service mission of the University and with this policy.

The University’s networks and computer systems are maintained for use by Users in connection with University-related matters. Authorized Users are any currently enrolled student, active or adjunct faculty member, and full-time or part-time employee. Each User will be authenticated periodically to verify these requirements. While the University will attempt to respect academic freedom in the use of its information technology environment to achieve academic objectives, any User may be denied access to these resources for any reason or for no reason. No denial of access shall be interpreted as any attempt to control academic freedom.

It is the User’s responsibility to be aware of the potential for and possible effects of manipulating information, to understand the variable nature of electronically stored information, and to continuously verify the integrity and completeness of information. Users are responsible for the security and integrity of University information stored on University-owned equipment.

University Access and Disclosure: Authorized access to data or information entails both privilege and responsibility, not only for the User, but also for the University. While the University will treat information stored on its equipment as confidential, the University cannot guarantee confidentiality of stored data. Users should be aware that use of one of the data networks, such as the Internet and electronic mail and messages, will not necessarily remain confidential from third parties outside the University in transit or on the destination computer system, as those data networks are configured to permit fairly easy access to transmissions. However, there is no expectation of privacy or confidentiality for documents and messages stored on University-owned equipment. Additionally, email and data stored on Friends University’s network of computers may be accessed by the University for the following purposes:

  • create backup copies of media;
  • troubleshoot unauthorized access and system misuse;
  • retrieve business-related information;
  • investigate reports of violation of this policy or local, state or federal law;
  • comply with legal requests for information; and/or
  • reroute or dispose of undeliverable mail.

Users of electronic mail systems should be aware that, in addition to being subject to authorized access, electronic mail in its present form cannot be secured and is vulnerable to unauthorized access and modification by third parties. The University retains the right to monitor and restrict users for any reason, which degrades performance of the information technology environment. Because of the open nature of the Internet, the University cannot be held responsible for what content the User might encounter. The University reserves the right to inspect electronic mail usage by any person at any time without prior notice as deemed necessary to protect business-related concerns of the University to the full extent not expressly prohibited by applicable statutes.

Examples of Improper Use: Though not exhaustive, the following list is provided to emphasize that these activities are NOT allowed on the Friends University networks or computer systems: hacking; unauthorized use of facilities, accounts access codes, privilege, or information; using the Internet for purposes outside of academic, administrative, and research activities; any activity that violates the laws, regulations, and rules, whether federal, state, local or University; willful destruction or damage to computers or data; unauthorized monitoring of communications equipment; violation of network security or attempts to break password restrictions; use of network or computer environment for private enterprise; any use for any private commercial enterprise, monetary gain, or business outside of the University; use of another User’s password or any access code; use of electronic mail for the distribution of unsolicited information or advertising; violations of any software licenses or any copyright; violation of any person’s or entity’s right of privacy; creation or forwarding of chain letters; sending universal or spammed mail; defamation or any conduct that is offensive or threatening to any individual or group; accessing obscene, pornographic, or hate-based material or Web sites; accessing hacker or cracker material or sites; posting, sending, or acquiring sexually-explicit or sexually-oriented material, hate-based material, and hacker-related material; creation, installation or spread of computer virus of any type; attempting system crashes; sharing a User account with another; and unauthorized access to private information or any information belonging to another.

Improper Use Penalties: The University retains the right to unilaterally limit access to the information technology environment for improper use or for any other reason. All procedures, hearings, evaluations and investigations are at the discretion of the University and need not be provided in any particular situation. Neither the following subsections nor this policy grant Users any right to access Friends University computers and network systems under its control or any right to a review by hearing or investigation when the University denies access to its information technology environment.

  • Any violation of these policies should be reported to the Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance. If not available, report the violation to one of the following: President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, or Vice President of Student Affairs offices.
  • In the situation of a student violation, the Vice President of Student Affairs will be contacted for possible disciplinary action under these guidelines.
  • Friends University recognizes the occasional use of networks and computer systems for personal matters, however, this should be limited to no more than 10 percent of business usage per IRS rules and regulations. In the situation of employee violations, the Human Resources Office will be contacted.
  • Any employee who violates these policies may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
  • Willful attempts to bypass security will bring immediate and indefinite termination of access to the information technology environment.
  • Any User, whose use of Friends University computers and network resources has been limited, terminated or denied and who desires to have such action reviewed, should make such request in writing to the Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance of the University.

Limitation of Liability: Although the University tries to provide a stable and accurate computing environment, from time to time hardware and/or software errors or errors of other types may arise. The University does not warrant the accuracy of its computers, hardware, software, network, communication systems or any part of it, including documentation, advice or consultation. The University does not guarantee access to the information technology environment. The University shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or actual damages, even if advised of the possibility thereof. In no event shall the University or any employee or department be liable for the failure to provide access to the information technology environment.


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Except as specifically permitted by this policy, soliciting for personal, business, organizational, or political purposes is not allowed on the Friends University campus. This includes selling goods or services, distributing information, or otherwise seeking support on University property. Limited solicitation may be allowed in connection with University-sponsored events. However, any solicitation done as part of a Universitysponsored event must have approval of a University vice president. Friends University student organizations are allowed to fundraise with the permission of the Vice President of Student Affairs. Student organizations may also hold election campaigns in accordance with the guidelines listed in the Student Government Association By-laws and Friends University posting Policy. (Please refer to the Student Organization Handbook for more information.)

This solicitation policy has been developed to maintain the integrity of the educational environment and the protection and privacy of community members. Questions concerning solicitation should be directed to the Center for Student Success.

Entry and Search Policy

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Friends University recognizes the students’ right to privacy in areas of the University designated for their use (i.e., residence hall room, rental house/apartment, gym locker, etc.) However, the University reserves the right to authorize entry to these areas under the following circumstances:

  • when permission has been granted by the occupant(s);
  • when maintenance, requested by the occupant(s) or University personnel, is being performed;
  • during routine inspections of rooms for safety, health and general maintenance performed upon institutional initiative preceded by 24 hours written or posted notice to occupant(s);
  • there is perceived imminent danger to the safety, health or property of occupant(s) or to institutional property;
  • there are potential or perceived violations of University policy; and/or
  • when entry is made by civil officers covered by civil law.

Personal Property

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Friends University strives to maintain a high level of security, but does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to students’ property or possessions. The University encourages students to check with their homeowner/renter’s insurance to make sure that personal items are covered while on campus. For those students living in University-owned housing, the University recommends purchasing renter’s insurance or adding a rider to their family’s homeowner/renter’s insurance. Items left by students are presumed abandoned after 45 days and are then subject to disposal without notice.

Responsibility of Guests

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When a student brings or invites a non-Friends person(s) to the University or a Universitysponsored event, the student accepts responsibility for the actions of his/her guest(s). The University expects the student to inform the guest(s) of all rules and regulations of the University. The student may also be subject to disciplinary action based on the actions of his/her guest(s).

Children and Pets in Classrooms

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Children and pets are not allowed in the labs and classrooms at Friends University. In an emergency situation, an instructor may allow a child in the classroom (not a lab) if the child is of an age that is not disruptive.

Campus Security Report

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The Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires the annual disclosure of security information. The report, along with other security information can be found on the Friends University Web site at www.friends.edu/Security. To request a hard copy of this report, please contact the Friends University Security Office at 316-295-5911 or security@friends.edu.

Students Right to Know

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Students may access the graduation/completion rates of Friends University as required by the Higher Education Act of 1965. These rates reflect the graduation/completion status of only those first-time, full-time students who enrolled with zero (0) hours and who will complete their programs within six (6) years. This information can be accessed through the University Registrar’s Office Web pages at www.friends.edu.

Vehicle Regulations

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All motor vehicle parking on campus is restricted to marked parking spaces in approved parking lots or on public streets. Parking citations will be issued for violation of parking regulations. Parking regulations are in effect 24 hours daily.

Parking fines are to be paid at the cashier’s counter in Sumpter Hall. A written appeal may be made by the recipient of a citation to the Director of Security within 10 school days of issuance. Appeals will be heard by the Friends University Traffic Court and penalties will be waived until a decision is made.

At the discretion of the University, fines not paid within 30 days of issuance, if not appealed, may be added to the student’s account as unpaid fees.

Parking regulations must also be followed at the Topeka and Lenexa sites and outreach locations. Please contact staff at these locations for specific information concerning parking.

Disability Services

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Friends University is committed to achieving equal education opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the University does not exclude otherwise qualified persons with disabilities, solely by reason of the disability, from participating in University programs and activities, nor are persons with disabilities denied the benefits of these programs or subjected to discrimination.

It is the responsibility of the student to bring to the University’s attention the need for accommodation due to a qualifying disability. Requests for accommodation should be made to the Cross Cultural Programs and Services Office and must be supported by appropriate documentation of the relevant disability. The Director will assist students in their request for accommodations and help them obtain other necessary support services. Once the proper information is received, the Director will notify appropriate faculty and/or staff of the student’s specific requests. The Director will also make arrangements with outside agencies for any services needed (i.e., interpreters, books on tape, etc.). The Director will require an updated ADA Services Application each semester in order to meet any changes needed in accommodation.

Statement on AIDS

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It is the policy of Friends University that students who have AIDS or positive HIV tests, will be allowed normal classroom attendance as long as they are physically and psychologically able. For purposes of this policy, the following terms shall be used: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and positive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody tests. This policy covers illness and conditions related to AIDS and positive HIV tests. The University will offer educational programs to promote knowledge and prevention of AIDS and positive HIV tests.

Procedures Related to Students with AIDS and/or positive HIV tests:

  • Screening prospective students for AIDS and/or positive HIV tests will not be done nor be a part of the admission process.
  • In accordance with existing University procedures, a student’s medical record and/or educational record, is confidential (including information on or related to AIDS) and may not be released without the individual’s permission except as otherwise provided by law.
  • Students who have AIDS and/or positive HIV tests, will be allowed the usual access to campus academic, social, and cultural activities.
  • An individual with AIDS, or positive HIV tests participating in activities where an exchange of body fluids, such as blood, may occur (e.g. contact sports, educational laboratory/clinical settings such as life sciences and health professions) should discuss the advisability of participation with their physician. The participant with AIDS or a positive HIV test has the responsibility to inform other participants of the possibility of contamination.
  • Occupants of residence halls and other University-owned housing facilities will not be advised that another occupant has AIDS or a positive HIV test. Current medical information indicates there is no risk to sharing living areas with infected individuals; however, there may be circumstances where those with AIDS might be exposed to certain contagious diseases in a close living situation. Because of the medical need for these students to exercise greater control of their environment, they will be offered appropriate options based upon consultation with each individual’s personal physician.
  • Students may contact the Health and Wellness Office for information about AIDS and HIV testing. Additionally, students requesting HIV testing should be referred to the county health department or to laboratories they prefer.

AIDS Prevention Education Program: To assure compliance with the policy and procedures statements above, it is incumbent upon the University to provide education and information on AIDS and positive HIV tests. A critical means of impeding the further spread of the disease is the provision of timely and accurate advice, information and education to individuals, groups and policy makers.

The Health and Wellness Office with the assistance of the Offices of Campus Life and Residence Life will be responsible for developing and coordinating a comprehensive education program on AIDS and positive HIV tests for students. This program is to include workshops and/or information dissemination on AIDS and HIV. Programs and informational material should be generally and/or specifically targeted to all individuals and groups within the University community.


  1. The Health and Wellness Office is responsible for recommending modifications to this policy that may be required in the future. This Office may also be consulted when accommodations are needed as a result of the individual having AIDS or a positive HIV test. (Requests for accommodations should be made to the Vice President of Student Affairs Office.)
  2. This policy shall be distributed to students through regular policy dissemination mechanisms.

Communicable Diseases

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Communicable diseases, for the purpose of this policy include, but are not limited to mumps, measles, rubella, chicken pox, meningitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and sexually transmitted diseases. By statues of Kansas and Missouri State Departments of Health, this University is required to report to their local county health officials any occurrence of these reportable diseases. The diagnosis of the condition, as with any other medical information, is confidential, and disclosure will take place only if deemed medically advisable and legally permissible. Any determination with respect to an individual will be made following consultation with the affected individual, the individual’s treating physician (if available), and such other persons as deemed necessary by the University.

In working with a person diagnosed with a communicable disease the University will proceed on a case-by-case basis. With the advice of medical professionals, these factors will be considered:

  1. The condition of the person involved and the person’s ability to perform job duties or academic responsibilities;
  2. The probability of infection of members of the University community based on the expected interaction of the person in the University setting;
  3. The possible consequences to members of the University community, if infected;
  4. Risk to the person’s health from remaining in the classroom, in an on-campus job or in the University community, and
  5. Other appropriate factors.

The Vice President of Student Affairs Office, the Health and Wellness Office and/or the Human Resources Office may all be involved in the determination of an individual’s exclusion or limitation of activities due to a communicable disease that has been made known to them.

The mere diagnosis of a communicable disease is not, in itself, sufficient basis for imposing limitations or exclusions, but such limitations or exclusions may be imposed as necessary as recommended or required by the attending physician. Harassment of individuals with or suspected of being infected with any disease is not acceptable behavior at the University and will not be permitted.

The University will support, where feasible and practical, educational programs to enhance student awareness and understanding of serious diseases. At least one time each year, informational materials will be distributed to each registering student that will include immunization recommendations. At this time, Friends University does not require proof of immunization status from any student or employee.

International Student Policies

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Questions concerning international students should be directed to the Director of Counseling, Wellness & International Services. Admissions policies for international students can be found in the Undergraduate Admissions and Graduate Admissions sections of the Catalog.

International Student Registration Policy: In order to register for classes at Friends University, F-1 visa students must be in good status with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS. Friends University reserves the right to revoke the registration of any international student who does not satisfy the good status requirements of the USCIS.

Insurance and Immunization Requirements for International Students:

Health Insurance

To protect our International students and ensure that they will be able to receive necessary medical care, Friends University requires all F-1 visa holders to purchase health insurance. Beginning in the fall of 2010 all F-1 students will be required to purchase the university sponsored health insurance. This plan offers benefits that are unique to the needs of F-1 students that most insurance plans do not cover, including medical evacuation and repatriation. F-1 students will be unable to register for classes until they are able to show proof of payment for enrollment into the university sponsored health insurance plan for the academic year. The International Advisor may make exceptions to this requirement on a case by case basis. An example of a possible exception would be if a current F-1 student’s SEVIS program end date is scheduled to occur in less than 1 year, the student may be allowed to purchase coverage for a semester rather than a year. Students with more than 1 year left in their program will be required to purchase yearly premiums.

TB prevention and Immunization

Friends University and the State of Kansas have long required F-1 visa holders to be tested for tuberculosis (TB). In the past, the Health and Wellness Office used a skin test to identify students who may have been exposed to TB. Starting in the fall of 2010, the Health and Wellness Office will require those who are considered high-risk for tuberculosis, including all F-1 international students, to be tested with a blood test called Quantiferon (QFT). There are several advantages to using QFT:

  •  Requires fewer patient visits to complete the TB screening process
  •  Results are more accurate than the TB skin test
  •  BCG vaccination does not affect QFT results.
  1. All new F-1 students will be required to have the QFT prior to beginning classes. Returning F-1 students may be required to have testing completed at the discretion of the Health and Wellness Coordinator.
  2. F-1 students traveling outside of the United States for 90 days or more will be required to contact the Health and Wellness Office upon return to the United States to determine if additional testing will be necessary.

F-1 students may use their university sponsored health insurance for their QFT lab work. All applicable co-pays and deductibles will apply. If the test is positive, a chest x-ray (CXR) will be required and again all applicable co-pays and deductibles will apply. The Health and Wellness Office will advise the student on further treatment requirements in the event that this occurs. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disenrollment and subsequent notification in SEVIS that you are not maintaining F-1 status.

If you plan to live in Friends University housing, you will be required to have a current meningitis vaccine typically received within the past 3-5 years. A meningitis vaccine given as a young child does not meet the “current” requirements. You will need to bring proof of the meningitis vaccine, as well as proof of all of your vaccines (from birth to present date) when you come to your orientation meeting.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. FERPA governs the release of these educational records maintained by an educational institution and the access to these records. Educational records are any records maintained in print, computer, tape, film, handwriting or other medium related to a student with the following exceptions:

  • Records made by University employees that are kept in the sole possession of the maker, are used only as a personal memory aid, are not accessible or revealed to other persons, and are not used to make decisions about the student.
  • Employment records unless the employment is contingent on the fact that the employee is a student.
  • Records maintained by University Security solely for law enforcement purposes.
  • Records maintained for counseling or health purposes and are used only in connection with the treatment of the student and made available only to those persons providing the treatment.
  • Records that contain information relating to a person only after the individual is no longer a student at the University, i.e., alumni records.

Friends University accords all the rights under the law to students in attendance and former students. These rights are:

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Nothing in this policy requires the continued maintenance of any student record for any particular length of time. However, if a student has requested access to his/her educational record, the record will not be destroyed before the inspection. Students should submit to the Registrar or Vice President of Student Affairs written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  • The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write to the University official responsible for the record and clearly identify the part of the record in question. If the University decides not to amend a record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to appeal. Additional information regarding the appeal will be provided to the student.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605.
  • The right to consent to disclosures of nondirectory information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Under FERPA the University may disclose information to the following without written consent of the student:

    • to the student;
    • to school officials determined by the institution to have a legitimate educational interest;
    • to anyone if the college has obtained the prior written consent of the student;
    • to anyone in response to requests for directory information;
    • to parents/legal guardians when their children (under age 21) are found to have violated the alcohol or drug policy of the institution;
    • to comply with a judicial order or subpoena;
    • to authorize representatives of the following government entities if the disclosure is in connection with an audit or evaluation of federal or statesupported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements that relate to those programs: Comptroller General of the United States, Secretary of Education, U.S. Attorney General (for law enforcement purposes only), and state and local educational authorities;
    • to authorize representatives of the following government entities if the disclosure is in connection with an audit or evaluation of federal or statesupported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements that relate to those programs: Comptroller General of the United States, Secretary of Education, U.S. Attorney General (for law enforcement purposes only), and state and local educational authorities;
    • to schools at which the student seeks or intends to enroll;
    • to anyone who is providing financial aid to the student. (“Financial aid” does not include any payments made by parents. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for specific conditions.);
    • to organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of educational institutions;
    • to accrediting organizations (for accrediting purposes);
    • to anyone if a health or safety emergency exists and the information will assist in resolving the emergency;
    • to an alleged victim of a crime of violence or the results of a disciplinary hearing against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense;
    • to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) for purposes of tracking and reporting students who are not citizens of the United States;
    • to military recruiters who request “student recruiting information” for recruiting purposes only, which includes address, telephone, age (or year of birth), level of education and major;
    • to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for purposes of complying with the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997; and/or
    • to authorized representatives of the Department of Veterans Affairs for students receiving educational assistance from the agency.

    To give the University permission to disclose non-directory information, a student must complete a Student Information Release form available from the Registrar’s Office. When completed, this form must be returned to the Registrar’s Office. Other offices within the University may also require additional permission from the student to release specific information.

  • The right of currently enrolled students to request that all directory information be withheld. In order to exercise this right to privacy, a student must go to the Registrar’s Office and sign a “No Release” form. Friends University assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of directory information indicates individual approval for disclosure. In accordance with FERPA, Friends University has designated the following student information as public or directory information and may provide this information to anyone: name, address(es), e-mail address(es), telephone number(s), dates of attendance, major field(s) of study, awards, honors (including Dean’s List, etc.), degree(s) conferred (including dates), past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (heights/weights) of athletes, and photographs.

The University reserves the right to modify or change policies, programs, curriculum and schedules contained in this catalog at its sole discretion at any time without further notice. The contents of this catalog do not constitute a contract between students or prospective students and the University. Friends University does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding this policy: EEOC/Title IX Coordinator, Friends University, 2100 W. University Ave., Wichita, KS 67213, 316-295-5000.



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